Eurasian Railway Logistics Company's China-Europe Container Volume Breaks Through 300,000 TEUs | Sha
Date: 2020-04-27 12:22:39

Trend One: Eurasian Railway Logistics Company's China-Europe container traffic exceeded 300,000 TEUs

      Kazakhstan News Agency, December 6, today, Eurasian Railway Logistics Co., Ltd. (UTLC-ERA) announced that from January to November 2019, Eurasian Railway Logistics Co., Ltd. completed the "China-Europe" route. The volume of railway containers exceeded 300,000 TEUs for the first time. In November, 404 "China-Europe" container trains were launched. This is the achievement made by the joint efforts of Eurasian Railway Logistics Co., Ltd., shareholder units and partners.

      Eurasian Railway Logistics Co., Ltd. is an international railway transportation company jointly established by the railway departments of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. Its purpose is to increase the volume of railway containers transiting the three countries.

Dynamic II: Shandong Express Group "Qilu" Eurasian Train Japan Marketing Center was inaugurated

      On December 6, at the Promotion Conference on Deepening China's Shandong-Japan Open Cooperation held in Tokyo, Japan, the Shandong Express Center "Qilu" Eurasian Express Japan Marketing Center was officially unveiled.

      Secretary of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress Liu Jiayi, Chinese Ambassador to Japan Kong Xuanyou, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Sun Licheng, Secretary and Director of the Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Zhou Lianhua, Vice President of the East Asia Region of ITOCHU Corporation Chang Long and other witnesses. Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shandong Expressway Group Zou Qingzhong and Director of Japan ITOCHU Logistics Co., Ltd. Yuichi Tanaka unveiled the "Qilu" Eurasian Express Japan Marketing Center.

In the next step, Shandong Expressway Group will take this opportunity to further improve the comprehensive service capabilities of "Qilu" in Japan, and provide strong support for Shandong Province to build a new highland for opening up to the outside world, build a large international logistics channel, and build a new pattern of all-round opening up.

During the meeting, Chairman Zou Qingzhong also signed a framework agreement on China (Lu) Japan International Passage on behalf of the Group with Shandong Port Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Ocean Group Co., Ltd., and Best Shipping International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.

Dynamic three: China-Europe train Changan has accumulated more than 1,700 trains from January to October

      In 2019, the number of China-Europe trains Changan has grown rapidly, and the types of goods transported are becoming more and more abundant. From January to October, a total of more than 1,700 lines have been opened, and 10 main lines from Xi'an to Central Asia and Europe have been opened, covering 45 countries and regions along the Silk Road. In the forefront, it has become the nation's international freight train with the "highest efficiency, best service, fastest speed, most complete route, most open lines, and largest volume".

Dynamic 4: New mouth blessing of Lanzhou Kazakhstan flour

      Recently, in the Tumendun Grain Depot of Lanzhou Cereals and Oils Group Co., Ltd., the 2019 Kazakh Flour's first train pickup and unloading ceremony was being held.

      At the ceremony site, grain depot staff was busy loading and unloading 120 tons of flour from Kazakhstan.

As the people's requirements for a better life are getting higher and higher, safety and nutrition have become the first choice for consumption. In order to enrich the supply of the "two festivals" and the demand for the dining table of the general public, since 2017, Lanliang Group has imported more than 240 tons of flour from Kazakhstan along the "Belt and Road".

It is reported that since its establishment, Lanzhou Cereals and Oils Group Co., Ltd. has vigorously responded to the national "Belt and Road" call, actively carried out international grain and oil trade, and achieved fruitful results. In recent years, based on grain management, Lanliang Group has taken the initiative to go out, vigorously expand the market, and actively explore and implement diversified operations. In the three years since 2017, the group company has established close cooperative relations with many foreign trade enterprises in Xinjiang. It has imported more than 60,000 tons of feed-grade wheat and carried out feed processing in the Alashan Port Bonded Area and Khorgos Port Bonded Area in Xinjiang. Collaborate to produce feed (wheat flour). Cumulatively imported more than 15,000 tons of feed (pellet bran) from Kazakhstan and sold them to large feed enterprises in Gansu, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Henan and other places. At the same time, the group company actively docked with the "Belt and Road" countries Kazakhstan, launched trade cooperation, aimed at cooperation projects for Kazakhstan flour agency operations.

"Appropriate climatic conditions, high-quality soil and water resources, and other good natural conditions, no chemical fertilizers, alcohol spray pesticides, and herbicides are used throughout the planting process, which has achieved natural growth, safe and pollution-free. It has become one of the internationally recognized high-quality wheat producers. The flour has a strong taste, is green and pollution-free, and has been gradually listed on the Lanzhou market. Today, we held a pick-up truck ceremony here, marking the successful landing of the new cooperation in the new year. This is a new starting point to better apply the “Belt and Road” policy, better leverage the Group ’s trade advantages, and serve the new needs of the citizens of Lanzhou and surrounding provinces and cities for a better life! ” The reporter said.

Dynamic five: "Chengdu-Minsk" market purchase trade method is set up and traveled exclusively from Alashankou port

In the early morning of the 5th, the "Chengdu-Minsk" market procurement trade method carrying daily commodities with a value of about 20 million yuan started from Chengdu, exited from the Alashankou port, passed Kazakhstan and other countries, and ran 8,500 kilometers. It is expected to arrive in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, after 18 days.

The opening of the "Chengdu-Minsk" market procurement trade special train has greatly shortened the time for exporting goods, saved trade costs, and strongly promoted the quality and efficiency of China-Europe trains, and established international trade between Central and Eastern Europe and Western China. New bridge.

On November 8th, the pilot market procurement trade mode Shuangliu International Airport air port channel was officially opened, and the Chengdu market procurement trade mode pilot officially entered the new stage of dual port export of "Qingbaijiang Railway Port + Shuangliu Airport Air Port".

In order to better promote the pilot work of market procurement trade methods, the Jinniu District of Chengdu has set up a market procurement trade service center to coordinate the pilot work, and successively issued a series of territorial supporting policies to provide market entities with service consulting, business processing and other "one-stop" services , Continue to introduce laws, finance, logistics, business services, etc., to efficiently solve corporate difficulties and problems. Since the pilot was approved, the results have shown initial results. As of December 3, a total of 2,650 orders were exported, with a value of US $ 162 million.

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